Hi everyone! Here i am again, in this week we learnt
splendid things. I had the pleasure to be in the class of Rebeca and Federico,
they were teaching the listening skill and the topic was about food. This is
the second group which has only two members unlikely Arianna was not for
personal issues even though they gave the class as usual.
What I like from the class: there were quite a few points which I would like to mention. First, the attitude of each of them was pretty cool. Rebeca started the class she looked calm, relaxed, she had the control of the class I could notice that. Children were amused with the activities, they used 6 new words (Orange juice, apples, bananas, chocolate cake, ice cream) and something which even the teacher noted that Rebeca did and was that it was the first time that a warm up begin with a background of a grammar topic and not vocabulary, that was completely splendid and we have to recognize that she knew how to do it. I liked one part when Rebeca was asking for repetition, she corrected the children when did not pronounce it properly. She modeled all the time, she gave time to copy the new words and she asked them to do it within three minutes also she did something which I really liked when the children were doing one activity I think was the first during, she asked one by one if they had understood the activity, she helped each of them to solve any problem. Moreover, at the end of the class, I was like impressed by something she did, and was that she stood in the door checking if the parents of the children were there, she took care for the safety of the children basically she did an awesome job. In the case of Federico, he gave the during two forward. He seemed more serious than usual but he completed the activities, he monitored the children and was helping each of them while doing the other worksheets activities. Besides, the audio was quite good for the class. It was not complicating to understand neither the activities to complete them.
What I did not like: at the beginning of the class when Rebeca finished explaining the new word, it was pre-listening stage. She was supposed to put in practice the new word in a pre-listening 2, but she did not. Nonetheless, from her performance was only that, Federico was a little nervous when he began his performance, he forgot to give the worksheet in the During 2 stage, he lost a great deal of time in the same during 2 that is why they were not able to finish until the wrap up. In the post listening he asked the kids to speak and I think we all know that when it is about a PDP lesson we have to finish; writing, drawing or surveying. Nevertheless, children were thrilled and were producing something that surprised me because they were asking each other about food
Something to Improve: I think that the class good they taught all the durings and even the post listening, the management of time was not their great strength but I think that it is not something tough to solve, my own advice for them is to practice at home, before performing the real class, and know that we got our own issues but it does not take to much time, it is only necessary over 30 minutes. Performing as if you are giving the class and take the time of each activity, take the time to see how much time requires to do each of them and you will see the great benefits of doing this when teaching. It completely worked for me in the last class which I gave with my partner Abigail. We finally could finish a class until the warp up. The last advice is to have confidence in what you are doing, if you face unexpected issues pull yourself together and take the control of it. do not let the issue or unexpected situation take over you. All in all the class was pretty cool I enjoyed it and I am completely sure children did it as well.

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